Since when does finding a new hobby become a chore? I thought people were supposed to be predispositioned to certain hobbies and repelled by others. Some really cool hobbies are mountain biking, motor-biking, tractor-pulling, car racing: anything that has to do with big motors and racing fast. My new hobby is nothing of the sort. Gardening is not cool. It is super-cool; best hobby ever. Alex gave me some pots, soil and seeds for this exciting new venture. I can’t remember all of the names of the seeds, but sunflowers, marigolds and zinnias come to mind. Here’s a picture of m
y life from the past few days (left). We made a little garden outside this morning. It was very enjoyable. I think there has to be something said about doing outdoors activities. I am sure that playing on the computer during my formative years has really desensitized me to, well, sunlight and fresh air.
Speaking of sunlight and fresh air, a lot of that can be found at a Cubs game. I went to one against the Washington Nationals last Tuesday. Sarah, Geeta, Katie and I basically just ate ballpark food and drank large quantities of obscenely overpriced beer the whole time. Good times were had by all in the end. And the Cubs won!