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Selected Writing

Can virtual reality help women cope with childbirth?” Guardian

Computers Are Learning To Write Songs By Listening To All Of Them” Fast Company

Old astronauts are spending years in space and we don’t know what it’s doing to their bodiesWIRED UK

How chilling! Amsterdam is using its underground water supply to cool its blood bankWIRED UK

Banking on stool despite an uncertain future” Science

Death apps promise to help people curate their afterlives” Guardian

What Numbers Can–And Can’t–Tell Us About Gender In Tech” Motherboard/VICE

Now Streaming: How to Do a Kidney Transplant” Motherboard/VICE

Scientists and Silicon Valley want to prove psychoactive drugs are healthy” Guardian

Why Death Tourism Is Thriving” Motherboard/VICE Reprinted in Atlas ObscuraReprinted in Arts & Opinion

Trading fake stocks taught me that tech investors are way too gullible” Quartz

Safe Harbor was for EU privacy: But how safe is US data in Europe?” ZDNet

Mitsubishi Materials: Bring us your e-waste for recycling, we don’t mind what it is” ZDNet

Tech companies are investing in artists to improve creativity” Quartz Featured in Inc.

This little-known “no-visa zone” in the Arctic connects Europe to Russia” Quartz

This Dutch politician is threatening ISIL wannabes with no more government benefits” Quartz

Meet the woman determined to turn Amsterdam into Europe’s Silicon Valley” Quartz

What 3-D Printing Can’t Do” Fast Company

The Trouble With Digitizing HistoryFast Company Featured on Digg, Featured on Hacker News

3-D Printing’s Napster MomentFast Company

The Open Publishing Revolution, Now Behind A Billion-Dollar PaywallFast Company

How One Startup Is Elevating Camping With A Treehouse You Can Carry With You” Fast Company

For Digital Art, Watermarks Aim To Bring More Aura–And A Hotter Market” Fast Company

Where Do Pricey Museum Sleepovers Come From?Fast Company

Meet the woman protecting Wells Fargo from cybercrime–without a tech degreeFortune

What3Words Can Pinpoint Ride-Hail Customers To Within Just A Few Feet” CityLab

A Map Of Scientific Plagiarism Around The World” Fast Co.Labs

Inside The Bizarre Phenomenon Known As ‘Glitch Art’” Fast Co.Labs

How Mobile Apps For Farmers Could Help Combat Rising Coffee Prices” Fast Co.Labs, Featured in Grist

Do Coding Bootcamps Produce Inferior Engineers?” Fast Co.Labs, Featured in the Wall Street Journal

What Engineers At Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, Airbnb, And Spotify Listen To While Coding” Fast Co.Labs, Featured in El Paìs

How The Rise Of The ‘R’ Computer Language Is Bringing Open Source To Science” Fast Co.Labs, Featured on Hacker News

How Missile Detection Technology Can Help Us Predict Floods” CityLab

Why Men Dominate Happy Hour” Science

Get more women into tech? My colleagues never got the memo” New Statesman